What is the Objective of this Module?

Develop Project Charter

The Develop Project Charter process uses all the information about a project from the project Business Case or business rationalization to result in an approved project charter, which authorizes the project to start. This process also includes the assumption log, which is an outcome of the Develop Project Charter process, as assumptions and constraints are gathered and documented in the project charter. The assumption log is updated throughout the project as assumptions and constraints may change, as new assumptions are realized.

Projects that include hybrid or agile approaches may tailor the project charter, based on the uncertainty of requirements or the product deliverables at the beginning of the project. It should be noted that while the level of details based on the development approach may change, the fundamental concepts of the project charter should remain the same.

In this module you will understand:

  • Typical contents (inputs and outputs) of Project Charter (What)
  • Purpose or key benefits for Project Charter (Why)
  • Overview on how and when Develop Project Charter Process is performed and integrated with the other processes during the management and delivery of projects (How) to optimize the utilization of project resources and deliver business value.

The skills that you will obtain from this module:

·        Overall understanding on the key accountability of the project manager in the predictive (fixed requirements) during project initiation, with examples

·        Overall understanding on the key accountability of the project manager in the agile/adaptive (dynamic requirements) during project initiation, with examples.   

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